Hello, I’m Funmi. I am a storyteller. I tell stories through (interactive) fiction and collaborative art. This is my little corner on the web.


  • Christianity is my Roman Empire

    Having the scripture in hand makes us feel we know everything, that everything we need is in there. And because we are seeing entire fragments of people’s lives…

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    4 min read

  • Conversation with Artist Moi Tran

    Conversation with Artist Moi Tran

    Read entire interview on the website of the Living Refugee Archive here: https://www.livingrefugeearchive.org/a-conversation-with-moi-tran A Conversation with MOI TRAN, on the Civic Voice Archive, Radical Archiving and Everything In-between…

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  • New Myths for a Dying World

    New Myths for a Dying World

    Photos from the Opening Ceremony

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  • Digital Storytelling & Artivism among Nigerian Youths (Restaging Memories of Dissent)

    Digital Storytelling & Artivism among Nigerian Youths (Restaging Memories of Dissent)

    LEARN MORE: https://gender.ceu.edu/restaging-memories-dissents-endsars-retrospect-oluwafunmilayo-miriam-akinpelu https://ehcn.bard.edu/project/restaging-memories-of-dissents-endsars-in-retrospect https://events.ceu.edu/2021-06-27/digital-storytelling-and-artivism-amongst-nigerian-youths-case-endsars-movement https://www.facebook.com/events/158624142870423/?_rdr

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  • Notes on Scheherazade’s Choir

    Notes on Scheherazade’s Choir

    Project title: Scheherazade’s Choir: The Radical Curation of Creative Processes Project initiators: Candice Fairchild and Oluwafunmilayo Akinpelu COLLABORATORS MISSION STATEMENT Scheherazade’s Choir, in the spirit of One Thousand and…

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    4 min read

  • Night of the Aesthetes – Description and Photo Gallery

    Night of the Aesthetes – Description and Photo Gallery

    PROJECT DESCRIPTION This event primarily created a fusion of artistic and fashion statements in a single location and showcased them in one night. The colorful display of fashion-oriented…

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    4 min read



This video project poses as a curated digital repository of #ENDSARS2020 related experiences. But even more, like the slogan Sorosoke, this project is the outcome of offering a few Nigerians a platform to emotively voice out lingering concerns, unsaid stories, pent-up agitations and bitter-sweet memories. For the project, the personalised narratives of ten Nigerian creatives were collated, compiled, and curatively edited into a singular, cohesive, coherent video of shared experiences that were showcased during a forum held on June 27, 2020, titled “Digital Storytelling and Artivism in Nigeria: The Case of the ENDSARS Movement.”

The project focuses on de-sanitizing the creative process in academia by placing an emphasis on the origins and cultivation of a creative work rather than focusing solely on the final product. We have asked some artists/scholars in the humanities to document their creative processes as they work towards a final product, eschewing the commodified productivity culture that is valued and demanded by academia. By emphasizing process as equally important to the final outcome, this project will focus on how the narrative of our own creative endeavors sustains us.

“Arts of War: Hearts of War” is a collaborative art exhibition at the Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum that features work from a broad range of artists, including University of Alabama students, veterans, and a prisoner to showcase the different perspectives and experiences of war. Oluwafunmilayo Akinpelu, exhibit director and UA Ph.D. student, worked with each participant to ensure collaborative and diverse displays of artwork. The project reminds us that war is not just about battle tanks, nuclear missiles, and bullets going off in far-away countries, but conflicts residing in the hearts and lives of people we know and love.
Moderated by Funmi Omo Moji, the panelists of this edition are interested in neo-Nollywood and its contact points with global Black diaspora; African visual culture as it focuses on animation in Nigeria; Yoruba Bollywood and African literature in the digital age; and rising stars in Nigeria’s filmmaking industry.
New Myths for a Dying World is a collaborative interactive storytelling project that envisions a future where the world needs saving from itself. The potential ‘saviors’ are artists who, through suspension of disbelief, assume the position of deities, chronicle nostalgic mythos about the past, converse about the fate of the current human species, and propose a new order where humans are better and trees have a life of their own.